Open Pcb File In Eagle

  1. Opening a Project and Explore EAGLE is packaged with a handful of nifty example PCB designs. Open one up by expanding the 'Projects' tree. From there, under the 'examples' folder open up the 'arduino' project by double-clicking the red folder (or right-clicking and selecting 'Open project').
  2. Therefore, the color of the PCB, or for that matter, the general aesthetics of the board, matters very little, if at all. It is a very different story with PCB art and PCB badges where color plays a central role in the design. By making use of different layers in Eagle, we can create different colors for the different parts of the design.
  1. Pcb File Types
  2. Eagle Pcb Viewer
  3. Open Pcb File Ppt

To design circuits, as well as so called 'layouts', be it PCB or stripboard or breadboard.

Before you get started, you can upload Eagle .brd files directly and we’ll generate the gerbers for you. For most users, this is the best way to order a board designed with Eagle.

Sometimes though, you might want to customize the silkscreen, manually verify the gerber files, or other things that require manufacturing files. This guide will help with that.

We provide a standard CAM file that will automatically configure Eagle to a good starting point.

First Steps

Validate Board Outline

One of the most common errors we see for Eagle is a missing Board Outline. Verifying your outline will save you a lot of trouble.

Eagle expects this to be drawn on the Dimension layer, using the Wire or Line tools. For many designs, it’s a simple rectangle or circle that contains your design. We’ll cut your PCB out using this layer as a guide.

Download CAM files

We have published some scripts to automatically download, install, and update our files for Eagle. This is our recommended way to manage your CAM jobs.

Pcb File Types

Open Pcb File In Eagle
Downloading Manually (Manual)

Select the correct CAM file for your version of Eagle, and how many layers you want to use.

For Eagle 7.2 and newer:
For Eagle 7.1, Eagle 6, and Eagle 5:

A good place to save this is in your Eagle folder in the cam/ directory, since Eagle will assume your CAM files are in this folder.

Configuring CAM Output

Load CAM file

To load the downloaded CAM file, open your board layout window. Then, open the CAM processor by going to File > CAM Processor

In the new window, select File > Open Job, browse to the downloaded file, and select open.

Modify Layer Configuration (Optional)

Once the CAM file is loaded, you may optionally adjust the CAM files to suit your design. The most common adjustment is to add or remove layers that will be included on the silkscreen.

The tabs on top each represent a single Gerber file and a single layer on a fabricated PCB. The list on the right indicates the Eagle layers will be included in this file. It’s common for multiple Eagle layers to be used to generate a single Gerber file.

To adjust the layers used in each file, select the tab (such asTop Silkscreen), and check or uncheck any layers you would like printed. For a full list of layers and what they typically do, see our Eagle Layers Explained page.

As an example, you can include component values by selecting tValues, turn off component names by de-selecting tNames, or show all the Top traces on the top silkscreen by selecting Top.

Open Pcb File In Eagle

Note, that while you can configure arbitrary Eagle layers to be included in arbitrary Gerber files, doing so impact the functionality of the board. Silkscreen files are purely cosmetic and safe to change, but excercise caution and verify your gerbers whenever you adjust any other gerber file layer configuration.

Pcb open for business

Generate the Files

Open Pcb File In Eagle

Once the CAM file is loaded and configured to your liking, simply click Process Job. Eagle will then generate the .ger and .xln files in the same folder as your .brd file.

Eagle Pcb Viewer

Eagle will also generate several .gpi and .dri files, which can be deleted or ignore.

Open Pcb File Ppt

From here simply zip the output files, and upload it to